GHGhana PoliticsPolitics

Gov’t is ruling Ghana with reckless people and Nana Addo is asleep – Financial analyst

A financial analyst, Michael Nii Yarboi Annan, has expressed disappointment in the government led by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

His comments come following the 2022 mid-year budget statement and economic policy presented by Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta who failed to outline programmes to mitigate the economic hardship on Ghanaians.

Annan described the budget presented by Ofori-Atta as “an insult to Ghanaians”.

He said the government is hiding from the people for fear of being tagged a failure.

You’re holding on to the reality because you fear we’ll say you’ve failed. The government is ruling with reckless people. The President is asleep. If not, this midyear review should not have happened. It’s an insult to us as Ghanaians.

“You know the solution to your problems but you have ignored it. In our politics in Africa, we want to look good everywhere. We are not honest with money. We want to look good when in fact we are not good. We generalize everything and say we are good rather than being detailed with reality.

Why waste our time in Parliament? Yesterday, he said virtually nothing. I think our only hope is for the Parliament to save this nation. We should speak to our conscience,” he said.

He believes politicians know the antidote to Ghana’s economic problems but they have ignored and resorted to cosmetics, without painting the reality to Ghanaians.

He bemoaned the rate at which people lie their way to power, tagging the Vice President to spell the reality to Ghanaians.

He noted: “The rhetoric they dwell on to come to power is also a problem. One person who must be so honest to the people of Ghana is the Veep. He should say that we failed. Let’s all put our heads together and chart a new part. But when officialdom tells us we are good, that’s when the printing of unapproved monies comes in.”


Content contributor at AFAL [African Alert]. Sarah is a passionate copywriter who stalks celebrities all day.

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