EntertainmentKEKenya Entertainment

‘Ruto has been my all-time crush’ – Sandra Dacha confesses

By Ascah Mwango, K24 Digital On Thu, 3 Aug, 2023 18:57 | < 1 min read

Actress Sandra Dacha has made a surprising revelation about her long-standing crush on Kenyan President William Ruto.

In a lighthearted interview with comedian Oga Obinna, the actress did not hold back her admiration for the President, going as far back as his days as a member of parliament for Eldoret North.

“Who is your celebrity crush? Obinna probed.

Unfazed by the question of who her celebrity crush is, Sandra immediately confessed.

Ruto, Zakayo, William Rutu, since akiwa MP,” she said.

He has been, but I’m trying to change my mind,” she revealed.

Comedian Oga Obinna playfully suggested that she should shift her affection to Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, to which Sandra laughed.

Obinna encouraged Sandra to send a sweet message to President Ruto, hinting that she might get lucky and get an appointment to meet him.

Si umekua ukimnoki, send him a message, you may be called to see him, na ukionekaniwa, usinisahau,” Obinna jested.

Sandra embraced the challenge and sent a message to Ruto informing him of her long-term crush.

President William Ruto you have been my all-time crush since enzi zile ukiwa MP,” the thespian said.

The interview also delved into Sandra’s romantic journey with comedian Akuku Dan.

Sandra revealed that their love story began during the burial ceremony of the late comedian Othuol Othuol in October 2020, when they first met.

In 2022, Sandra Dacha confirmed their whirlwind romance during the fundraising of Akuku Danger to raise money for his hospital bills.

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