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Irvin Jim accuses suspended Numsa leaders of ‘lawfare’

Irvin Jim, the general secretary of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa.

Irvin Jim, the general secretary of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (Numsa), has called a court bid by the suspended members of his union “political lawfare”.

Jim was responding to an affidavit by Numsa’s suspended second deputy president, Ruth Ntlokotse, which is part of a bid at the labour court to declare the suspensions of 30 leaders invalid and allow the members to participate in the union’s congress next week.

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Sarah Smit

Sarah Smit is a general news reporter at the Mail & Guardian. She covers topics relating to labour, corruption and the law.

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Jerry is a copy writer at African Alert [AFAL]. Aside from general news, Jerry is an experienced creator and web content expert who loves to spend his time telling African-centric stories, most times, in text.

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