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‘I built mom a house’- Stivo Simple Boy explains why he’s broke

By Ascah Mwango, K24 Digital On Sun, 6 Aug, 2023 10:54 | 2 mins read

Kenyan music sensation Stivo Simple Boy has candidly shared the reasons behind his financial struggles, despite being a household name in the entertainment scene.

Speaking to a local TV station, the artiste revealed that he decided to sacrifice his luxury and build his mother a house and dug a well for her.

Stivo Simple Boy emphasized the importance of prioritizing essential needs over extravagant expenses.

Kuna vitu viwili, utanunua shamba au utanunua gari? Gari ina gharama sana, kwa hivyo mimi nilijengea mama nyumba ushago na nikamchimbia kisima,” he revealed.

Loosely translated, “There are two things, would you buy land or buy a car? A car is very costly, so I decided to build my mother a house in the countryside and dig a well for her.”

Moreover, Stivo candidly admitted that his timidness and naivety in the past played a role in his financial struggles.

He revealed that he had made the mistake of signing contracts without fully understanding their implications, leading to unfavourable outcomes.

Izo mikataba nilikua nikitia sahihi zilinikosea, unajua kutia sahihi ni kujifunga,” he confessed.

Loosely translated, “The contracts I signed without understanding them properly were my downfall; you know, signing contracts is like tying yourself up.”

The artiste also revealed that he has learned from his past mistakes and has chosen not to have professional management at the moment.

Instead, he is now managed by his friends, ‘Stivo team’.

In another surprising revelation, Stivo Simple Boy admitted to being involved in relationships for the sake of gaining publicity.

He acknowledged that some of the women he was seen with were merely for clout.

Kwa hawa wanawake wote ulikua unaona nao, izo zilikua kiki (All these women you saw me with were just for publicity stunts),” he confessed.

Stivo, flat broke

Stivo Simple Boy’s financial struggles recently gained significant attention on social media after his wife went public with accusations against his management.

In an interview, she exposed the management for allegedly withholding funds and subjecting them to poverty.

Manager wake anampatia stress, yeye anajikondea tu, wakati tulikuwa nae alikuwa ameungaunga tu sasa hivi ni stress ya manager wake, pesa zake na hio account zake. Si yeye ndio anatumia, si yeye ndo anazimanage yani kila kitu manager wake ndio anamanage,” Grace said.

She also stated that Stivo was bankrupt and didn’t even have ten shillings in his Mpesa account.

Sahi ata ukienda kwa simu yake kuangalia balance huwezi hata kuta shilingi kumi peke yake. Yani ata nkimwambia nitumie hata shilingi hamsini anakuambia hana na ukimuuliza pesa zako ziko wapi anasema manager wangu ndio ako nazo,” she explained.

Grace also revealed that even eating in their house was an extreme sport as they frequently went to bed on empty stomachs.

Saa zingine zipo chakula lakini kuna time twakosa saa zingine twapata. Lakini mahali ako sioni kama atasaidika,” she said.

Grace also noted that Stivo’s gentle and timid nature made it hard for him to stand up for himself.

Kuna changamoto ambazo ziko kwa hio nyumba ndo maana kwa sahizi naweza nkasema kitu ya kwanza anapitia mambo magumu na hawezi akasema. Shida yake yeye ni muoga na kijana mpole sana hawezi ongea. Kwangu mimi siwezi nikaona ati bwanangu anahangaika halafu ye ni muoga wa kuongea so lazima niseme tu venye ako,” she said.

She also disclosed that she had no idea that Stivo earned from his YouTube channel.

Sijui kama analipwa ata yeye mwenyewe ukimuuliza venye YouTube inalipa hajui yani shilingi ngapi inalipa. Mambo na pesa yeye jamani kejana mwenyewe mpole hata hajui, yeye bora amepata chakula sawa,” she said naively.


Content contributor at AFAL [African Alert]. Kevin is a passionate copywriter who is searching for fresh content every day.

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