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Chicken and vegetable egg-fried rice: The leftover crisis is over rice

If you cook regularly, you’ll always have leftovers and there are ways to reuse small bits of leftovers to make something new entirely. Fried rice is even traditionally made with leftover rice. Leftover rice is great as it absorbs liquid better and so is perfect for saucy dishes. Our chicken and vegetable egg-fried rice is just one recipe but you can adjust and be as creative as you choose to be for an amazing meal.

Cooking chicken and vegetable egg-fried rice

You want your rice to be a few days old because when it’s dried out, absorbs more liquid. If you’re using a wok, you want it to be scorching hot and make sure that all of your ingredients are ready so you don’t burn anything. You can use any protein, tofu or no protein in your dish and whatever combination of vegetables you want. The egg works as a binder and you’ll know it’s at its best when each rice kernel is separate from the rest.

Do you have a bunch of leftovers that aren’t enough as single meals? Chicken and vegetable egg-fried rice is just one way to go and it’s always tasty.

Quick recipes are the aim of the game during a tough week. Just have a look at our recipe page, we have excellent suggestions for you to try.

If you would like to submit a recipe for publication, please complete our recipe form here.

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