KEKenya LifestyleLifestyle

6 ways to save on food expenses

By Achieng’ Mary, K24 Digital On Tue, 5 Jul, 2022 10:00 | 2 mins read

Most Kenyan households buy food randomly and regularly. However, with the prevailing economic conditions, most individuals were greatly affected, prompting most of them to look for means of saving money.

Some individuals resorted to skipping meals as a way of saving on expenses. However, the method is inapplicable for some due to unavoidable circumstances such as having younger children, sick family members, or even living with the elderly.

So what should one do to save on food expenses? K24 Digital combed through ways you can save on food expenses while surviving on a shoestring budget.

Purchasing in bulk

Take advantage of markets that offer discounts whenever you buy in bulk. Depending on your location, you could consider markets such as Gikomba and Marikiti market.

However, be careful not to overstock to counteract food wastage.

Have a budget and stick to it

Create a shopping list that covers all the necessary items, this way, you are likely to keep tabs on your spending and counteract impulsive buying.

As part of your budget, also consider carrying shopping bags that will fit the items on your list to avoid spending extra coins buying packs from the supermarkets.

Eat before shopping

Shopping when hungry is likely to distract your judgment, thus making you purchase items you did not intend to.

You can save a coin by eating and resting well before embarking on your trip to the store.

Buy directly from the sources

Key sources such as farmers and intermediaries are likely to give you a good price for the items you may need, unlike shopping from a vendor.

If you have insights on the direct sources who grow the products you seek, take advantage of that as it will likely save you from the hiked prices.

Conduct prior research

As a person on a budget, always look for the cheapest vendor by researching other buyers.

This will likely lead you to a vendor offering discounts or selling the products at a lower price than the others.

Cut out unnecessary ingredients

Opting for cheaper ingredients or not using them is another way of saving an extra coin. For instance, meals such as Cabbage or Sukuma wiki do not require tomatoes to cook.


Content contributor at AFAL [African Alert]. Kevin is a passionate copywriter who is searching for fresh content every day.

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